Unfed Artist - The Flavor of Weight Loss
Unfed Artist - The Flavor of Weight Loss

Panel One:
Ian is at Drive Through menu.
Drive Thru Box - Welcome, what can I get started for you?
Ian - It's just me again Carl. Not ordering anything, I just want to inhale the grease fumes as I go past the window.
Panel Two:
Inside the fast food restaurant. The Drive-Thru attendant is looking uncomfortable as his boss stares him down. A cook is peering around the corner, looking annoyed.
Carl - Oh hey Ian. Listen man, you're starting to creep us all out, but my boss said you're welcome to hang out with the raccoons at our dumpster.
Panel Three:
Ian at a dumpster being raided by raccoons.
Ian: So are you guys on a diet too?
Whup - no I see you're actually eating everything you can. My bad.

The Flavor of Weight Loss

I don't really live in an area with raccoons, so I assume they're willing to have a talk about dieting and weight loss, but can't confirm it. Arizona just has flies and cockroaches in the dumpsters, and they're not really great at conversation. For those of you wanting to see how the comic has come along since I started, here's an earlier weight loss comic from the "Employees Only" phase of my strip: https://unfedartist.com/comic/wiifitfat/. As you can see, my writing today is just as sharp and witty as ever.

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