Panel One - Ian at a bagel shop.
Cashier - I just need to ask again…
…you sure you want to order a chocolate chip bagel with bacon, egg, and cheddar?

Panel Two - Focus on Ian, who appears angry.
Ian - It’s just my breakfast, not my last meal.
Are you usually a hostage negotiator during the week and just part time here?
What is happening right now?

Panel Three - Same scene as panel one. Ian looks defeated.
Ian - OK - Maybe it’s also a cry for help, but unless you also sell career advice; Order up my good man.
And make sure that coffee’s hot because I’m not washing this bagel down with my tears.

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Breakfast Questions

Listen - I personally think the smokey sweetness of chocolate chips pairs well with the savoriness of bacon. Add a solid cup of coffee to the ensemble and you have one of my favorite breakfast options.

But bagel shops always seem to critique this - like I'm trying to buy shares of Twitter or something. This last time - the kid behind the counter genuinely looked at me like I was ordering from their trash can or something. He confirmed my order, twice, a little too loudly, like he was warning the other staff that he's not making a mistake...someone is ordering this.

Anyway I'll probably go there again tomorrow to celebrate finishing another comic. Some people open champagne...I make minimum wage workers wonder if they're on a prank show apparently.

AI Art Assist

I really like what this offers to someone like me who works alone on my comics; but I also worry that it could be used against me. If I train an AI to only replicate my style, what happens if I lose control of that AI? Theoretically I could also sell my AI assistant to someone else, and they could then make their own art that looks like mine without any input from me – at which point it doesn’t matter that I’m involved. It’s a complicated thing to consider and I’m already getting a headache.

Another important point – there’s nothing stopping someone else from mimicking my artwork to begin with, and that means that I’m already competing against AI art if someone wishes to replicate my style. Does that mean I should jump in to using AI assistants for my comics so I can produce more work before someone else tries to beat me to it?

Honestly, I would have preferred to retire never having to consider any of these implications, but the genie is out of the bottle and we’re all forced to deal with it. I think these new developments make earning a living harder, not easier, for artists.

Cook What You Like

Designers follow the concept of design thinking/questioning – where we focus on others to inform how to design.
Artists cook what they want to eat, and they let others figure out how they want to eat it.