Panel One - Ian at a bagel shop. Cashier - I just need to ask again… …you sure you want to order a chocolate chip bagel with bacon, egg, and cheddar? Panel Two - Focus on Ian, who appears angry. Ian - It’s just my breakfast, not my last meal. Are you usually a hostage negotiator during the week and just part time here? What is happening right now? Panel Three - Same scene as panel one. Ian looks defeated. Ian - OK - Maybe it’s also a cry for help, but unless you also sell career advice; Order up my good man. And make sure that coffee’s hot because I’m not washing this bagel down with my tears.
Posted on March 7, 2025
Sunday Format Strip: Panel One: Long panel showing Ian holding his hurting back. While opening mailbox. Ian - I feel lucky that the only thing revealing how old I actually am is this back pain. Panel Two: Ian opens up a letter and reads it with a smile. Ian - Nice! My AARP card finally arrived. Time for discounts at Denny’s! Panel Three: Ian smiling while speaking, wearing a red shirt. Narration: MORE Signs Ian is OLD Ian - Oh, that reminds me of a Wilford Brimley oatmeal commercial. Panel Four: Ian in a gray hoodie, playing a handheld video game system. Ian - My first video game system was a Colecovision that I’m pretty sure I had to wind up with a hand crank. Panel Five: Ian sitting at a desk looking at the Wikipedia entry for Jimmy Carter on a computer monitor. Ian - Huh - I guess I was born during the Carter administration. Panel Six: Ian happily talking on a cell phone. Ian - Ohhh…I recently got a two for one deal on foot cream…so I’m doing pretty good! Panel Seven: Ian in a business suit and tie, listening to music playing overhead. Ian - Is Taylor Swift some new type of golf club? Panel Eight: Ian holding his head in despair on a park bench. A man walking his dog is in the background and a single tree sits at the top of a small hill behind Ian’s bench. Ian - I think I’m ready to move back in with my parents.
Posted on January 31, 2025