Panel One - Hands holding open a book. The page’s content reads: Trying To Land A Plane It comes down to you curled up in your passenger seat praying for a “soft” landing or taking your luck after reading these pages. You’re probably going to die, but at least this way you can aim away from the rest of us on the ground.  1  If the plane has only one set of controls, push, pull, carry, or drag the pilot out of the pilot’s seat. They probably won’t mind.  2  Take “your” place at the controls.  3  Put on the radio headset (if there is one). Use the radio to call for help-there will be a control button on the yoke (the plane’s steering wheel) or a CB-like microphone on the instrument panel. Depress the button to talk, release it to listen. Say (avoid screaming) “Mayday! Mayday!” and give your situation, destination, and plane call numbers. Try to avoid screaming, there’s plenty of time for that later.  4  If you get no response, try again on the emergency channel - tune the radio to 121.5. Hopefully someone can help you, because the alternative is this book. Panel Two - Ian is flying and reading the book. The passenger next to him is looking at the book. A passenger at the window is focused on a tablet in her hands. Passenger: uhhh…interesting book you got there. Panel Three - Same scene. Ian: I think I’m going to wait until after we land before I agree.
Posted on September 7, 2024