Panel One: Ian is drinking egg nog in front of christmas tree and lit fire place. Ian - Everyone talks about Santa magically delivering toys to every child in one night, but why aren’t we all talking about him out performing every competitive eater on the planet? Panel Two: Narrator Box: The North Pole Santa is inspecting his pants and jacket hanging in front of him with one of his reindeer. He is very skinny, and the clothes are for someone much fatter. Santa - It's 50% wool 50% spandex, but given how I fill up like a balloon with milk and cookies every year… the elves are still working on it. No one likes my body paint idea so far.
Posted on December 25, 2024
Panel One: A coworker approaches Ian who is sitting at his cubicle. Coworker (looking at his phone) - Excuse me…Ian? I got an issue that only you can help with. Ian (looking stern) - Whoa, hold up there! Just what do you think I look like? Panel Two: Same scene. Coworker (appearing annoyed)- Uh…a forty something who overslept, needs to stop using coupons for a haircut… …and hastily got dressed at the last minute? Ian looks nonplussed. Panel Three: Same scene. Ian (responding sternly) - … Yeah… well… …what about any of that makes you think I have any answers?
Posted on December 7, 2024