Panel One: Ian on the phone with his mom. The room shows a desk with books and a laptop, and there’s two windows.

Ian - It looks like I have a chance to work with a government client, but they have a pretty serious security check.
Mom - Don’t worry about passing that; it’s ME that would get flagged.

Pane Two: Same scene.

Ian - Well, that’s not good Mom, because I’m… Your… Son.
Mom - LIE.

Panel Three: Ian being interviewed at a different time of day in the same room.

Ian - …Mom’s only wrong doing was buying Arby’s Five for Five deal and giving me one. But I’ve learned to forgive.

Security Clearance

Mom grew up in the 60's and 70's, and to be honest I think most of the anti-establishment crowd from back then, including my mom, grew up to become the establishment. I think that's what she's alluding to when she's worried about coming up in some government check, but who knows.

She isn't secretly D.B. Cooper or anything crazy - at least I hope not.

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