Panel One - Ian at a bagel shop.
Cashier - I just need to ask again…
…you sure you want to order a chocolate chip bagel with bacon, egg, and cheddar?

Panel Two - Focus on Ian, who appears angry.
Ian - It’s just my breakfast, not my last meal.
Are you usually a hostage negotiator during the week and just part time here?
What is happening right now?

Panel Three - Same scene as panel one. Ian looks defeated.
Ian - OK - Maybe it’s also a cry for help, but unless you also sell career advice; Order up my good man.
And make sure that coffee’s hot because I’m not washing this bagel down with my tears.

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Breakfast Questions

Listen - I personally think the smokey sweetness of chocolate chips pairs well with the savoriness of bacon. Add a solid cup of coffee to the ensemble and you have one of my favorite breakfast options.

But bagel shops always seem to critique this - like I'm trying to buy shares of Twitter or something. This last time - the kid behind the counter genuinely looked at me like I was ordering from their trash can or something. He confirmed my order, twice, a little too loudly, like he was warning the other staff that he's not making a mistake...someone is ordering this.

Anyway I'll probably go there again tomorrow to celebrate finishing another comic. Some people open champagne...I make minimum wage workers wonder if they're on a prank show apparently.